Welcome to the
Clin-STAR Database!

Use the site to browse or search information on:
• Researchers - Filter by discipline, research areas, interest in mentoring, and more!
• Institutions - Listing of institutions represented in the Clin-STAR Database
• Publications - Publications by Clin-STAR Database members
• Funded Grants - Grants received by Clin-STAR Database members
• Clin-STAR Network - Two interactive graphics display connections by disciplines, publications, and research areas
• How to Get Started on the Clin-STAR Database & Frequently Asked Questions

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The Clin-STAR Database is a discovery tool that enables collaboration among clinician-scientists in aging research across disciplines and career levels. Use the database to browse or search information on researchers and their institutionspublications, and funded grants.

Researchers can create and update their profile to share details on their research with colleagues and indicate their interest in becoming a mentor. Profiles are searchable to help users identify possible mentors or collaborators. Two interactive graphics are also available to help search researchers by past co-authorships, disciplines, and research areas.

For more information on how to get started on the Clin-STAR Database, click here. For help, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact the Clin-STAR Coordinating Center.



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