Meeting report: consensus statement-Parkinson's disease and the environment: collaborative on health and the environment and Parkinson's Action Network (CHE PAN) conference 26-28 June 2007. uri icon


  • Bronstein, Jeff
  • Hansen, Johnni
  • Hoppin, Jane
  • Jewell, Sarah
  • Kamel, Freya
  • Koroshetz, Walter
  • Langston, James W
  • Logroscino, Giancarlo
  • Nelson, Lorene
  • Ravina, Bernard
  • Rocca, Walter
  • Carvey, Paul
  • Ross, George W
  • Schettler, Ted
  • Michael Schwarzschild, MD, PhD
  • Scott, Bill
  • Seegal, Richard
  • Singleton, Andrew
  • Steenland, Kyle
  • Tanner, Caroline M
  • Van Den Eeden, Stephen
  • Weisskopf, Marc
  • Chen, Honglei
  • Cory-Slechta, Deborah
  • DiMonte, Donato
  • Duda, John
  • English, Paul
  • Goldman, Samuel
  • Grate, Stephen

publication date

  • January 1, 2008