Molecular definitions of cell death subroutines: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2012. uri icon


  • Galluzzi, L
  • Fulda, S
  • Gottlieb, E
  • Green, D R
  • Hengartner, M O
  • Kepp, O
  • Knight, R A
  • Kumar, S
  • Lipton, S A
  • Lu, X
  • Madeo, F
  • Vitale, I
  • Malorni, W
  • Mehlen, P
  • Nuñez, G
  • Peter, M E
  • Piacentini, M
  • Rubinsztein, D C
  • Shi, Y
  • Simon, H-U
  • Vandenabeele, P
  • White, E
  • Abrams, J M
  • Yuan, J
  • Zhivotovsky, B
  • Melino, G
  • Kroemer, G
  • Alnemri, E S
  • Baehrecke, E H
  • Blagosklonny, M V
  • Ted M. Dawson, MD, PhD
  • Dawson, V L
  • El-Deiry, W S

publication date

  • January 1, 2011