Discovery of a potent small-molecule antagonist of inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins and clinical candidate for the treatment of cancer (GDC-0152). uri icon


  • Flygare, John A
  • Eckhardt, S Gail
  • Elliott, Linda O
  • Feng, Bainian
  • Franklin, Matthew C
  • Reisner, Stacy Frankovitz
  • Gazzard, Lewis
  • Halladay, Jason
  • Hymowitz, Sarah G
  • La, Hank
  • LoRusso, Patricia
  • Beresini, Maureen
  • Maurer, Brigitte
  • Murray, Lesley
  • Plise, Emile
  • Quan, Clifford
  • Stephan, Jean-Philippe
  • Young, Shin G
  • Tom, Jeffrey
  • Tsui, Vickie
  • Um, Joanne
  • Varfolomeev, Eugene
  • Budha, Nageshwar
  • Vucic, Domagoj
  • Wagner, Andrew J
  • Wallweber, Heidi J A
  • Wang, Lan
  • Ware, Joseph
  • Wen, Zhaoyang
  • Wong, Harvey
  • Wong, Jonathan M
  • Melisa L. Wong, MD, MAS
  • Wong, Susan
  • Chan, Helen
  • Yu, Ron
  • Zobel, Kerry
  • Fairbrother, Wayne J
  • Chan, Iris T
  • Cheeti, Sravanthi
  • Cohen, Frederick
  • Deshayes, Kurt
  • Doerner, Karl

publication date

  • January 1, 2012