Nursing home research: the first International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) research conference. uri icon


  • Rolland, Yves
  • Martin, Finbarr C
  • Wilbers, Joachim
  • Zúñiga, Franziska
  • Ausserhofer, D
  • Schwendimann, R
  • Schüssler, S
  • Dassen, Theo
  • Lohrmann, Christa
  • Levy, Cari
  • Whitfield, Emily
  • Resnick, Barbara
  • de Souto Barreto, Philipe
  • Etherton-Beer, Christopher
  • Dilles, Tinne
  • Azermai, Majda
  • Bourgeois, Jolyce
  • Orrell, Martin
  • Grossberg, George T
  • Kergoat, Hélène
  • Thomas, David R
  • Visschedijk, Jan
  • Katz, Paul R
  • Taylor, Stephanie J C
  • Handajani, Yvonne S
  • Widjaja, Nelly T
  • Turana, Yuda
  • Rantz, Marilyn J
  • Skubic, Marjorie
  • Morley, John E
  • Little, Milta O
  • Ouslander, Joseph G
  • Bonner, Alice
  • Carol Geary, PhD, MBA, RN
  • Schumacher, Karen L
  • Thompson, Sarah

publication date

  • January 2014