Frailty and adherence to adjuvant hormonal therapy in older women with breast cancer: CALGB protocol 369901. uri icon


  • Sheppard, Vanessa B
  • Barry, William T
  • Pitcher, Brandelyn N
  • Hudis, Clifford
  • Winer, Eric P
  • Cohen, Harvey J
  • Muss, Hyman B
  • Hurria, Arti
  • Mandelblatt, Jeanne S
  • Faul, Leigh Anne
  • Luta, George
  • Clapp, Jonathan D
  • Yung, Rachel L
  • Wang, Judy Huei-Yu
  • Kimmick, Gretchen
  • Isaacs, Claudine
  • Tallarico, Michelle

publication date

  • January 1, 2014