Heterogeneity of Treatment Response to Citalopram for Patients With Alzheimer's Disease With Aggression or Agitation: The CitAD Randomized Clinical Trial. uri icon


  • Schneider, Lon S
  • Pawluczyk, Sonia
  • Pelton, Gregory
  • Pollock, Bruce G
  • Porsteinsson, Anton P
  • Rabins, Peter V
  • Rein, Lisa
  • Paul B. Rosenberg, MD
  • Shade, David
  • Weintraub, Daniel
  • Yesavage, Jerome
  • Frangakis, Constantine
  • Lyketsos, Constantine G
  • Drye, Lea T
  • Devanand, D P
  • Marano, Christopher M
  • Mintzer, Jacob
  • Mulsant, Benoit H
  • Munro, Cynthia A
  • Newell, Jeffery A

publication date

  • January 1, 2016