Omega-6: Omega-3 PUFA Ratio, Pain, Functioning, and Distress in Adults With Knee Pain. uri icon


  • Sibille, Kimberly T
  • Petrov, Megan E
  • Cruz-Almeida, Yenisel
  • Herbert, Matthew
  • Emily J. Bartley, PhD
  • Edberg, Jeffrey C
  • Staud, Roland
  • Redden, David T
  • Bradley, Laurence A
  • Fillingim, Roger B
  • King, Christopher
  • Garrett, Timothy J
  • Glover, Toni L
  • Zhang, Hang
  • Chen, Huaihou
  • Reddy, Divya
  • Goodin, Burel R
  • Sotolongo, Adriana

publication date

  • January 2018