Version 3 of the Alzheimer Disease Centers' Neuropsychological Test Battery in the Uniform Data Set (UDS). uri icon


  • Weintraub, Sandra
  • Marson, Dan
  • Mungas, Dan
  • Salmon, David
  • Welsh-Bohmer, Kathleen
  • Zhou, Xiao-Hua
  • Shirk, Steven D
  • Atri, Alireza
  • Kukull, Walter A
  • Phelps, Creighton
  • Morris, John C
  • Besser, Lilah
  • Dodge, Hiroko H
  • Teylan, Merilee
  • Ferris, Steven
  • Goldstein, Felicia C
  • Giordani, Bruno
  • Kramer, Joel
  • Loewenstein, David

publication date

  • 2018