Syncope, Hypotension, and Falls in the Treatment of Hypertension: Results from the Randomized Clinical Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial. uri icon


  • Sink, Kaycee M
  • Dalane W Kitzman, MD
  • Lyles, Mary F
  • Servilla, Karen
  • Supiano, Mark A
  • Whittle, Jeff
  • Wiggers, Alan
  • Fine, Lawrence J
  • Evans, Gregory W
  • Ronald I Shorr, MD, MS, FACP
  • Bates, Jeffrey T
  • Berlowitz, Dan
  • Conroy, Molly B
  • Felton, Deborah M
  • Gure, Tanya
  • Johnson, Karen C

publication date

  • January 1, 2018