Arthritis diagnosis and symptoms are positively associated with specific physical job exposures in lower- and middle-income countries: cross-sectional results from the World Health Organization's Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). uri icon


  • Brennan-Olsen, Sharon L
  • Leech, Michelle T
  • Page, Richard S
  • Sanders, Kerrie M
  • Gomez, Fernando
  • Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD, FRACP, FGSA
  • Green, Darci
  • Mohebbi, Mohammadreza
  • Solovieva, Svetlana
  • Viikari-Juntura, Eira
  • Ackerman, Ilana N
  • Bowe, Steven J
  • Kowal, Paul
  • Naidoo, Nirmala
  • Chatterji, Somnath
  • Wluka, Anita E

publication date

  • January 1, 2018