The Population Impact of Late Presentation With Advanced HIV Disease and Delayed Antiretroviral Therapy in Adults Receiving HIV Care in Latin America. uri icon


  • Belaunzarán-Zamudio, Pablo F
  • Padgett, Denis
  • Pape, Jean W
  • Rouzier, Vanessa
  • Veloso, Valdilea
  • Cardoso, Sandra Wagner
  • McGowan, Catherine C
  • Sierra-Madero, Juan G
  • Caro-Vega, Yanink N
  • Shepherd, Bryan E
  • Rebeiro, Peter F
  • Crabtree-Ramírez, Brenda E
  • Cortes, Claudia P
  • Grinsztejn, Beatriz
  • Gotuzzo, Eduardo
  • Mejia, Fernando

publication date

  • January 1, 2020