The Role of Inflammation after Surgery for Elders (RISE) study: Study design, procedures, and cohort profile. uri icon


  • Hshieh, Tammy T
  • Xu, Guoquan
  • Gou, Yun
  • Chen, Fan
  • Kunze, Lisa J
  • Vlassakov, Kamen V
  • Abdeen, Ayesha R
  • Lange, Jeffrey K
  • Earp, Brandon E
  • Touroutoglou, Alexandra
  • Carlyle, Becky C
  • Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha M
  • Kivisakk-Webb, Pia
  • Travison, Thomas G
  • Dillon, Simon T
  • Libermann, Towia A
  • Sharon K. Inouye, MD, MPH
  • D'Aquila, Madeline L
  • Arnold, Steven E
  • Dickerson, Bradford C
  • Fong, Tamara G
  • Jones, Richard N
  • Marcantonio, Edward R
  • Schmitt, Eva M

publication date

  • January 1, 2019