Methyl-Metabolite Depletion Elicits Adaptive Responses to Support Heterochromatin Stability and Epigenetic Persistence. uri icon


  • Haws, Spencer A
  • Liu, Wallace H
  • Igarashi, Kazuhiko
  • Sridharan, Rupa
  • Tu, Benjamin P
  • Cryns, Vincent L
  • Dudley Lamming, PhD
  • Denu, John M
  • Yu, Deyang
  • Ye, Cunqi
  • Wille, Coral K
  • Nguyen, Long C
  • Krautkramer, Kimberly A
  • Tomasiewicz, Jay L
  • Yang, Shany E
  • Miller, Blake R

publication date

  • January 1, 2020