Concordance Between Blood Pressure in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial and in Routine Clinical Practice. uri icon


  • Drawz, Paul E
  • Rahman, Mahboob
  • Parkulo, Mark A
  • Pemu, Priscilla
  • Raj, Dominic S
  • Rocco, Michael
  • Soman, Sandeep
  • Thomas, George
  • Tuot, Delphine S
  • Whelton, Paul K
  • Nick Pajewski, PhD
  • Agarwal, Anil
  • Dwyer, Jamie P
  • Horwitz, Edward
  • Lash, James
  • Lenoir, Kristin
  • McWilliams, Andrew
  • Oparil, Suzanne
  • Rahbari-Oskoui, Frederic

publication date

  • January 1, 2020