Development and internal validation of a predictive model of cognitive decline 36 months following elective surgery. uri icon


  • Jones, Richard N
  • Tabloski, Patricia A
  • Travison, Thomas G
  • Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha M
  • Abdeen, Ayesha
  • Earp, Brandon
  • Kunze, Lisa
  • Lange, Jeffrey
  • Vlassakov, Kamen
  • Dickerson, Bradford C
  • Marcantonio, Edward R
  • Tommet, Douglas
  • Sharon K. Inouye, MD, MPH
  • Steingrimsson, Jon
  • Racine, Annie M
  • Fong, Tamara G
  • Gou, Yun
  • Hshieh, Tammy T
  • Metzger, Eran D
  • Schmitt, Eva M

publication date

  • January 1, 2021