The shifting care and outcomes for patients with endangered limbs - Critical limb ischemia (SCOPE-CLI) registry overview of study design and rationale. uri icon


  • Scierka, Lindsey E
  • Chung, Jayer
  • Kirksey, Lee
  • Olamide Alabi, MD
  • Soukas, Peter
  • Parikh, Sahil
  • Faizer, Rumi
  • Fitridge, Robert
  • Provance, Jeremy
  • Romain, Gaëlle
  • McMillan, Neil
  • Mena-Hurtado, Carlos
  • Stone, Nancy
  • Scott, Kate
  • Fuss, Christine
  • Pacheco, Christina M
  • Gosch, Kensey
  • Harper-Brooks, Avis
  • Smolderen, Kim G
  • Shishehbor, Mehdi H
  • Spertus, John A
  • Nagpal, Sameer
  • Babrowski, Trissa
  • Bunte, Matthew C
  • Politano, Amani
  • Humphries, Misty

publication date

  • January 1, 2022