Improving Enrollment of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Heart Failure Trials: A Call to Action From the Heart Failure Collaboratory. uri icon


  • DeFilippis, Ersilia M
  • Jessup, Mariell
  • Dalane W Kitzman, MD
  • Leifer, Eric S
  • Mendoza, Martin
  • Piña, Ileana L
  • Psotka, Mitchell
  • Senatore, Fortunato Fred
  • Stein, Kenneth M
  • Teerlink, John R
  • Yancy, Clyde W
  • Echols, Melvin
  • Lindenfeld, JoAnn
  • Fiuzat, Mona
  • O'Connor, Christopher M
  • Vardeny, Orly
  • Vaduganathan, Muthiah
  • Adamson, Philip B
  • Batchelor, Wayne B
  • Cooper, Lauren B
  • Cooper, Lawton S
  • Desvigne-Nickens, Patrice
  • George, Richard T
  • Ibrahim, Nasrien E

publication date

  • January 1, 2022