Associations between persistent symptoms after mild COVID-19 and long-term health status, quality of life, and psychological distress. uri icon


  • Jin Ho Han, MD, MSc
  • Qadir, Nida
  • Khan, Akram
  • Hough, Catherine L
  • Johnson, Nicholas J
  • Ely, E Wesley
  • Rice, Todd W
  • Casey, Jonathan D
  • Lindsell, Christopher J
  • Gong, Michelle N
  • Srinivasan, Vasisht
  • Womack, Kelsey N
  • Lewis, Nathaniel M
  • Patel, Manish M
  • Self, Wesley H
  • Tenforde, Mark W
  • Files, D Clark
  • Gibbs, Kevin W
  • Shapiro, Nathan I
  • Prekker, Matthew E
  • Erickson, Heidi L
  • Steingrub, Jay S

publication date

  • January 1, 2022