Stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1 (HOP/STI1/STIP1) regulates the accumulation and toxicity of α-synuclein in vivo. uri icon


  • Lackie, Rachel E
  • Maitland, Matthew E R
  • Greenberg, David
  • Gallino, Daniel
  • Luo, Wen
  • Attaran, Anoosha
  • Shlaifer, Irina
  • Del Cid Pellitero, Esther
  • Schild-Poulter, Caroline
  • Durcan, Thomas M
  • Fon, Edward A
  • de Miranda, Aline S
  • Duennwald, Martin
  • Beraldo, Flavio H
  • Chakravarty, M Mallar
  • Bussey, Timothy J
  • Saksida, Lisa M
  • Hermona Soreq, PhD
  • Choy, Wing-Yiu
  • Prado, Vania F
  • Prado, Marco A M
  • Lim, Mei Peng
  • Novikov, Vladislav
  • Madrer, Nimrod
  • Karunatilleke, Nadun C
  • Rutledge, Benjamin S
  • Tullo, Stephanie
  • Brickenden, Anne

publication date

  • January 1, 2022