Longer-Term All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality With Intensive Blood Pressure Control: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. uri icon


  • Jaeger, Byron C
  • Rocco, Michael V
  • Rapp, Stephen R
  • Supiano, Mark A
  • Whelton, Paul K
  • Williamson, Jeff D
  • Wright, Jackson T
  • Reboussin, David M
  • Nick Pajewski, PhD
  • Bress, Adam P
  • Bundy, Joshua D
  • Cheung, Alfred K
  • Cushman, William C
  • Drawz, Paul E
  • Johnson, Karen C
  • Lewis, Cora E
  • Oparil, Suzanne

publication date

  • January 1, 2022