Efficacy of Omaveloxolone in Friedreich's Ataxia: Delayed-Start Analysis of the MOXIe Extension. uri icon


  • David Lynch, MD, PhD
  • Nachbauer, Wolfgang
  • O'Grady, Megan
  • Perlman, Susan
  • Subramony, S H
  • Wilmot, George
  • Zesiewicz, Theresa
  • Meyer, Colin J
  • Chin, Melanie P
  • Boesch, Sylvia
  • Delatycki, Martin B
  • Giunti, Paola
  • Goldsberry, Angie
  • Hoyle, J Chad
  • Mariotti, Caterina
  • Mathews, Katherine D

publication date

  • January 1, 2022