Outpatient treatment of Covid-19 with metformin, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine and the development of Long Covid over 10-month follow-up. uri icon


  • Bramante, Carolyn T
  • Tignanelli, Christopher
  • Thompson, Jennifer
  • Pullen, Matthew
  • Siegel, Lianne
  • Proper, Jennifer
  • Odde, David J
  • Klatt, Nichole
  • Sherwood, Nancy
  • Lindberg, Sarah
  • Wirtz, Esteban Lemus
  • Buse, John B
  • Karger, Amy
  • Beckman, Kenny
  • Erickson, Spencer
  • Fenno, Sarah
  • Hartman, Katrina
  • Rose, Michael
  • Patel, Barkha
  • Griffiths, Gwendolyn
  • Bhat, Neeta
  • Murray, Thomas A
  • David Liebovitz, MD
  • Boulware, David R
  • Nicklas, Jacinda
  • Puskarich, Michael A
  • Cohen, Ken
  • Belani, Hrishikesh
  • Anderson, Blake
  • Huling, Jared D

publication date

  • December 23, 2022