Interim Safety Profile From the Feasibility Study of the BrainGate Neural Interface System. uri icon


  • Dan Rubin, MD
  • Grant, Carol
  • Henderson, Jaimie M
  • Kirsch, Robert F
  • Marujo, Rose
  • Masood, Maryam
  • Mernoff, Stephen T
  • Miller, Jonathan P
  • Mukand, Jon A
  • Penn, Richard D
  • Shefner, Jeremy
  • Ajiboye, A Bolu
  • Shenoy, Krishna V
  • Simeral, John D
  • Sweet, Jennifer A
  • Walter, Benjamin L
  • Williams, Ziv M
  • Hochberg, Leigh R
  • Barefoot, Laurie
  • Bowker, Marguerite
  • Cash, Sydney S
  • Chen, David
  • Donoghue, John P
  • Eskandar, Emad N
  • Friehs, Gerhard

publication date

  • January 1, 2023