Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months. uri icon


  • Admon, Andrew J
  • Mayer, Kirby P
  • Hope, Aluko A
  • Jolley, Sarah E
  • Caldwell, Ellen
  • Monahan, Max L
  • Hauschildt, Katrina
  • Brown, Samuel M
  • Aggarwal, Neil R
  • Thompson, B Taylor
  • Hough, Catherine L
  • Iwashyna, Theodore J
  • Kamphuis, Lee A
  • Gundel, Stephanie J
  • Sahetya, Sarina K
  • Peltan, Ithan D
  • Chang, Steven Y
  • Jin Ho Han, MD, MSc
  • Vranas, Kelly C

publication date

  • January 1, 2023