Defining the Riddle in Order to Solve It: There Is More Than One "Parkinson's Disease". uri icon


  • Outeiro, Tiago F
  • McKeith, Ian
  • Mollenhauer, Brit
  • Moore, Darren J
  • Rascol, Olivier
  • Schlossmacher, Michael G
  • Hermona Soreq, PhD
  • Stefanis, Leonidas
  • Ferreira, Joaquim J
  • Alcalay, Roy N
  • Antonini, Angelo
  • Attems, Johannes
  • Bonifati, Vincenzo
  • Cardoso, Francisco
  • Chesselet, Marie-Françoise
  • Hardy, John
  • Madeo, Graziella

publication date

  • January 1, 2023