Dapagliflozin Improves Heart Failure Symptoms and Physical Limitations Across the Full Range of Ejection Fraction: Pooled Patient-Level Analysis From DEFINE-HF and PRESERVED-HF Trials. uri icon


  • Nassif, Michael E
  • Scirica, Benjamin M
  • Shah, Sanjiv J
  • Umpierrez, Guillermo
  • Austin, Bethany A
  • Lamba, Sumant
  • Khumri, Taiyeb
  • Sharma, Kavita
  • Kosiborod, Mikhail N
  • Windsor, Sheryl L
  • Gosch, Kensey
  • Borlaug, Barry A
  • Husain, Mansoor
  • Inzucchi, Silvio E
  • Dalane W Kitzman, MD
  • McGuire, Darren K
  • Pitt, Bertram

publication date

  • January 1, 2023