Randomized controlled trial of urinE chemiStry guided aCute heArt faiLure treATmEnt (ESCALATE): Rationale and design. uri icon


  • Cox, Zachary L
  • Lindenfeld, JoAnn
  • Shotwell, Matthew S
  • Miller, Karen F
  • Ooi, Henry
  • Rao, Veena S
  • Schlendorf, Kelly
  • Self, Wesley H
  • Siew, Edward D
  • Storrow, Alan
  • Walsh, Ryan
  • Siddiqi, Hasan K
  • Wrenn, Jesse O
  • Testani, Jeffrey M
  • Collins, Sean P
  • Stevenson, Lynne W
  • Bales, Brian
  • Jin Ho Han, MD, MSc
  • Hart, Kimberly
  • Imhoff, Brant
  • Ivey-Miranda, Juan B
  • Jenkins, Cathy A

publication date

  • January 1, 2023