Safer medicines To reduce falls and refractures for OsteoPorosis (#STOP): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of medical specialist-initiated pharmacist-led medication management reviews in primary care. uri icon


  • Moles, Rebekah Jane
  • Jennings, Matthew
  • Kotowicz, Mark
  • Tran, Thach
  • Bliuc, Dana
  • Si, Lei
  • Gibson, Kathryn
  • Basger, Benjamin Joseph
  • Bolton, Patrick
  • Barnett, Stephen
  • Hassett, Geraldine
  • Perry, Lin
  • Kelly, Ayano
  • Bazarnik, Barbara
  • Ezz, Wafaa
  • Luckie, Kate
  • Carter, Stephen Ross
  • Naylor, Justine M
  • Center, Jacqueline
  • Ebeling, Peter
  • Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD, FRACP, FGSA
  • Major, Gabor
  • White, Christopher
  • Yates, Christopher

publication date

  • January 1, 2023