CKD-EPI and EKFC GFR Estimating Equations: Performance and Other Considerations for Selecting Equations for Implementation in Adults. uri icon


  • Inker, Lesley A
  • Kalil, Roberto
  • Mauer, Michael
  • Rossing, Peter
  • Seegmiller, Jesse
  • Coresh, Josef
  • Levey, Andrew S
  • Tighiouart, Hocine
  • Adingwupu, Ogechi M
  • Michael Shlipak, MD, MPH
  • Doria, Alessandro
  • Estrella, Michelle M
  • Froissart, Marc
  • Gudnason, Vilmundur
  • Grubb, Anders

publication date

  • October 5, 2023