Initial steps in addressing the challenges of elder mistreatment evaluation: Protocol for evaluating the Vulnerable Elder Protection Team. uri icon


  • Baek, Daniel
  • McAuley, Jennine
  • LoFaso, Veronica M
  • Chang, E-Shien
  • Hancock, David
  • Bloemen, Elizabeth M
  • Tietz, Sarah
  • Lindberg, Daniel M
  • Sharma, Rahul
  • Clark, Sunday
  • Lachs, Mark S
  • Elman, Alyssa
  • Pillemer, Karl
  • Tony Rosen, MD, MPH
  • Gottesman, Elaine
  • Shaw, Amy
  • Makaroun, Lena K
  • Stern, Michael E
  • Mulcare, Mary R
  • Sullivan, Michelle
  • Pino, Chloe

publication date

  • October 13, 2023