Rates of ICD-10 Code U09.9 Documentation and Clinical Characteristics of VA Patients With Post-COVID-19 Condition. uri icon


  • Wander, Pandora L
  • Bohnert, Amy S B
  • Boyko, Edward J
  • Maciejewski, Matthew L
  • Viglianti, Elizabeth
  • Iwashyna, Theodore J
  • Hynes, Denise M
  • Osborne, Thomas F
  • Ioannou, George N
  • Baraff, Aaron
  • Fox, Alexandra
  • Cho, Kelly
  • Maripuri, Monika
  • Honerlaw, Jacqueline P
  • Ho, Yuk-Lam
  • Dey, Andrew T
  • Ann M. O'Hare

publication date

  • December 1, 2023