Impact of the iWHELD digital person-centered care program on quality of life, agitation and psychotropic medications in people with dementia living in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial. uri icon


  • McDermid, Joanne
  • Soto, Maria
  • Woodward-Carlton, Barbara
  • Cook, Esme Moniz
  • Cummings, Jeffrey
  • Sweetnam, Adrienne
  • Chan, Xavier
  • Lawrence, Megan
  • Ballard, Clive
  • Henley, William
  • Corbett, Anne
  • Williams, Gareth
  • Fossey, Jane
  • Clare, Linda
  • Fox, Chris
  • Aarsland, Dag
  • Khan, Zunera

publication date

  • December 20, 2023