Plasma proenkephalin A and incident chronic kidney disease and albuminuria in the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort. uri icon


  • Bullen, Alexander L
  • Schulte, Janin
  • Gutierrez, Orlando M
  • Michael Shlipak, MD, MPH
  • Cushman, Mary
  • Ix, Joachim H
  • Rifkin, Dena E
  • Katz, Ronit
  • Poursadrolah, Sayna
  • Short, Samuel A P
  • Long, D Leann
  • Cheung, Katharine L
  • Sharma, Shilpa
  • Al-Rousan, Tala
  • Fregoso, Alma

publication date

  • January 10, 2024