Going beyond summed stress scores: Correlating global and territorial coronary flow reserve by single photon emission tomography with routine myocardial perfusion imaging. uri icon


  • Chng, Abigail Cc
  • Baskaran, Lohendran
  • Chua, Terrance Sj
  • Keng, Felix Yj
  • Angela S. Koh, MBBS, MPH
  • Keng, Bryan Mh
  • Teng, Xue Fen
  • Aik, Kok Wei
  • Azman, Muhammad Khairulnizar
  • Natividad, Larry R
  • Chong, Candice Sm
  • Neela, Packrisamy N
  • Tan, Ru-San

publication date

  • April 14, 2024