Menopause and Estrogen Associations With Gut Barrier, Microbial Translocation, and Immune Activation Biomarkers in Women With and Without HIV. uri icon


  • Peters, Brandilyn A
  • Caron, Patrick
  • Tien, Phyllis C
  • Qi, Qibin
  • Burk, Robert D
  • Anjali Sharma MD, MS
  • Anastos, Kathryn
  • Kaplan, Robert C
  • Hanna, David B
  • Xue, Xiaonan
  • Weber, Kathleen
  • Appleton, Allison A
  • Kassaye, Seble G
  • Topper, Elizabeth
  • Tracy, Russell P
  • Guillemette, Chantal

publication date

  • July 1, 2024