The Role of Alpha-Synuclein in Synucleinopathy: Impact on Lipid Regulation at Mitochondria-ER Membranes. uri icon


  • Barbuti, Peter A
  • Dettmer, Ulf
  • Fanning, Saranna
  • Vilas, Manon
  • Reddy, Hasini
  • Andrew Teich, MD, PhD
  • Krüger, Rejko
  • Area-Gomez, Estela
  • Przedborski, Serge
  • Guardia-Laguarta, Cristina
  • Yun, Taekyung
  • Chatila, Zena K
  • Flowers, Xena
  • Santos, Bruno Fr
  • Larsen, Simone B
  • Hattori, Nobutaka
  • Bradshaw, Elizabeth

publication date

  • June 17, 2024