Improving screening and access to treatment for depression in care partners of people living with dementia Funded Grant uri icon


  • Depression affects up to 34% of care partners (CP) of people living with Alzheimer’s disease/Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia (PLWD) each year and despite the expansion of treatments, most individuals do not receive treatment. Three key barriers to treatment exist: low detection, low mental health literacy (MHL) and limited treatment accessibility, exacerbated in rural settings. Innovative informatics solutions to barriers exist including automating screening, enhancing MHL through decision aids (DA) and increasing accessibility via location-independent, online treatments. Yet there is a gap in identifying strategies to screen and connect CP of PLWD with unmet mental health needs to treatments. The objective for this GEMSSTAR is to modify an innovative application, iPATH*D, developed previously by the research team, for CP of PLWD. iPath*D is an online platform that connects patients screening positive for clinically significant depression in rural cancer settings to a range of online and in-person evidence-based treatments. Investigators plan to adapt both the content and implementation of iPath*D, then establish its acceptability, usability, and feasibility, overcoming the unique challenges to help-seeking CP of PLWD. The specific aims are: Aim 1. Optimize and assess feasibility and acceptability of a pathway to identify care partners of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia at risk for depression; and Aim 2. Determine feasibility, acceptability, and usability of implementing iPath*D with care partners of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease/Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia and its preliminary impact on MHL, screening and treatment rates. The study tests the hypotheses that: (1) iPath*D will be acceptable and highly usable and will demonstrate preliminary impact of increased MHL, screening rates and treatment access. The development of iPath*D follows a user centered design model. In Aim 1, using participatory design activities to inform needed adaptations of iPath*D, 15 care partners will co-design iPath*D and inform the development of low and high-fidelity iPath*D prototypes. These prototypes will go through rounds of iterative development, with extensive usability evaluations, ensuring iPath*D surpasses usability metrics. In Aim 2, an open label, single arm pilot, 15 care partners screening positive for depression will receive iPath*D. We will assess real world usability, acceptability and feasibility, collect preliminary data on MHL, and gather rates of screening and treatment access, treatment initiation, adherence, change in caregiver burden, and depression symptom improvement. This research is innovative in developing and testing a novel services delivery model (iPath*D) that addresses existing barriers to care. The results are expected to have a major positive impact by providing proof-of-principle for the use of an online pathway to treatment with the potential for reaching an unprecedented number of individuals in rural settings with unmet mental health needs by understanding and implementing the optimal design of an innovative model of services delivery for CP of PLWD who experience depression.

date/time interval

  • 2024 - 2026