Behavioral Intervention Development Core Funded Grant uri icon


  • Abstract. The overall goal of the Behavioral Intervention Development (BID) Core of the Emory Roybal Center for Dementia Caregiving Mastery is to move intervention ideas aligned with the Center’s guiding principles (consumer-based and context-specific) successfully through development stages I-III toward real world implementation (Stages VI-V). Anchored in the Center’s Behavioral Intervention Advancement Process, the BID Core will manage four activities designed to promote the “success” of behavioral interventions: the filtering, selection, support, and advancement of compelling ideas. These processes are meant to support the attainment of the Core’s three aims: Aim 1. Facilitate the submission of competitive behavioral intervention trial applications and nominate, for NIA support, those with the greatest promise of enhancing context-specific caregiving mastery through NIH Stage-appropriate, mechanism-driven intervention trial designs that are deemed to be of high impact and significance. Aim 2. Provide oversight, mentoring, and consultation to ensure the successful outcome and dissemination of Center-supported intervention trial projects. Aim 3. Advance successfully completed clinical trials to secure support for further stages of intervention development either through the Center or through other sources (e.g., NIH research mechanisms). The filtering process encourages the floating of intervention ideas from researchers drawn from the Center’s networks and guides the most promising through the Center’s Consult Service for the sharpening of ideas and the development of trial proposals. The selection process involves Center leaders and Advisors (Expert, Local, and Consumer) in an NIH-type review of submitted proposals to identify 2-4 trials (likely, but not exclusively, Stage I or II projects) that can be advanced for support, pending NIA review and approval. The support of trial activities will involve individual mentoring teams of Center leaders and Advisors meeting regularly (by phone or videoconference) with each investigator and semi-annual meetings between the investigator and the Center leadership team and some Advisors to monitor progress and provide guidance in addressing challenges that might occur in the course of implementation. The fourth process, intervention advancement, speaks to the key goal of the Center: ensuring that the intervention ideas in which the Center has invested move through stages of development and become evidence-based interventions that can be widely disseminated. The advancement process begins at the point of trial implementation with the development of an individualized plan for moving forward to the next stage of development. Within this plan, each investigator and her/his mentoring team periodically engage with Consult Service resources to conceptualize and re-conceptualize the strategy for a next-stage proposal. In its first year, the BID Core will support the activities of two Stage Ib trials, one involving a Spanish language cultural adaptation of the evidence-based Tele-Savvy program for Latino Caregivers, the other an online psychoeducation “bootcamp” program for individuals new to the caregiving role.

date/time interval

  • 2019 - 2029