The Brain Imaging Core supports IDDRC Research Affiliates conducfing in
vivo brain imaging research in humans and animals using a variety of modalities that
include structural and functional Magnefic Resonance (MR) brain imaging, MR
spectroscopy, evoked response potentials (ERP), and PET, and provides a wide
range of sophisticated image processing support. The Core is organized into four
highly interrelated components: (1) technical support and development; (2) image
analysis; (3) human electrophyslology; and (4) in vivo animal imaging. All
components of the Core are organized to inform affiliates of the advantages (and
pitfalls) of useful technologies and to provide expert technical guidance for both
invesfigators inexperienced in imaging techniques as well as experienced
neuroscienfists. To maximize resources in this highly complex field, the Brain
Imaging Core operates in collaboration with the MR Research laboratory and the
Integrated Brain Imaging Center (IBIC) which are part of the Department of
Radiology. The MR Research Laboratory emphasizes MR imaging hardware and
development of specialized techniques and equipment. IBIC emphasizes study
design and image analysis. It should also be noted that in the previous compefitive
renewal. Brain Imaging and Cellular Morphology were core components of a larger
Neuroscience Core. In this application, primarily as a result of expansions and
developments in both core components, each now funcfions as a separate core.
However, substanfial interrelafionships remain, with the newly developed animal
imaging services bridging both components.