publication venue for
- Assessment of arousal recovery after cardiac arrest using diffusion kurtosis MRI with higher b-values: a pilot study.. 1-8. 2024
- Heart rate variability (HRV) after traumatic brain injury (TBI): a scoping review.. 38:1-22. 2024
- Chronic frontal neurobehavioural symptoms in combat-deployed military personnel with and without a history of blast-related mild traumatic brain injury.. 37:1-1134. 2023
- "If you respect me, you are respecting my culture": methods and recommendations for personalizing a TBI transitional care intervention.. 37:746-757. 2023
- Education on the consequences of traumatic brain injury for children and adolescents with TBI and families/caregivers: a systematic scoping review.. 37:1-23. 2022
- Sleep quality: A common thread linking depression, post-traumatic stress, and post-concussive symptoms to biomarkers of neurodegeneration following traumatic brain injury.. 36:1-11. 2022
- Clinical features of dementia cases ascertained by ICD coding in LIMBIC-CENC multicenter study of mild traumatic brain injury.. 36:1-651. 2022
- Economic impact of comorbid TBI-dementia on VA facility and non-VA facility costs, 2000-2020.. 36:1-10. 2022
- Traumatic brain injury, cardiovascular disease, and risk of dementia among older US Veterans.. 36:1-5. 2022
- Early Stage Longitudinal Subcortical Volumetric Changes following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.. 35:725-733. 2021
- Factors associated with tracheostomy decannulation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.. 34:1106-1111. 2020
- A national study of TBI and risk of suicide and unintended death by overdose and firearms.. 34:328-334. 2019
- Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with mild traumatic brain injury.. 33:1173-1183. 2019
- Exploratory study of sport-related concussion effects on peripheral micro-RNA expression.. 33:1-7. 2019
- Overview of pharmacological interventions after traumatic brain injuries: impact on selected outcomes.. 33:442-455. 2019
- Traumatic brain injury education for adult patients and families: a scoping review.. 32:1295-1306. 2018
- Do postconcussive symptoms from traumatic brain injury in combat veterans predict risk for receiving opioid therapy for chronic pain?. 32:1188-1196. 2018
- Concordance of common data elements for assessment of subjective cognitive complaints after mild-traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI Pilot Study.. 32:1071-1078. 2018
- Modulation of working memory load distinguishes individuals with and without balance impairments following mild traumatic brain injury.. 32:191-199. 2017
- Interdisciplinary eHealth for the care of people living with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review.. 31:1701-1710. 2017
- Injury cascades in TBI-related neurodegeneration.. 31:1177-1182. 2017
- Impact of pre-injury family functioning and resources on self-reported post-concussive symptoms and functional outcomes in persons with mild TBI.. 30:1672-1682. 2016
- The value of normalization: Group therapy for individuals with brain injury.. 29:1292-9. 2015
- Source imaging of QEEG as a method to detect awareness in a person in vegetative state.. 25:426-32. 2011
- Mild traumatic brain injury in the United States, 1998--2000.. 19:85-91. 2005
- Patients with head injuries refusing emergency medical services transport.. 18:765-73. 2004