publication venue for
- An event-related fMRI study of the neural networks underlying the encoding, maintenance, and retrieval phase in a delayed-match-to-sample task.. 23:207-20. 2004
- An event-related fMRI study of the neurobehavioral impact of sleep deprivation on performance of a delayed-match-to-sample task.. 18:306-21. 2004
- Distinct prefrontal cortex activity associated with item memory and source memory for visual shapes.. 17:75-82. 2003
- Age-related changes in source memory retrieval: an ERP replication and extension.. 13:323-38. 2002
- Neural activation during an explicit categorization task: category- or feature-specific effects?. 13:213-20. 2002
- Neural activities during Wisconsin Card Sorting Test--MEG observation.. 12:19-31. 2001