publication venue for
- An age-friendly chart review tool: integrating geriatrics education and quality improvement in a resident primary care clinic.. 1-8. 2024
- Development and evaluation of a national careers in aging webinar series for psychology trainees.. 45:1-13. 2023
- House Hunters, Gerontology Style: A problem-based learning classroom activity for undergraduate students.. 45:1-6. 2022
- The feasibility and acceptability of a dementia care training program for registered dietitian nutritionists.. 44:1-15. 2022
- GeriKit: A novel app for comprehensive geriatric assessment.. 44:641-648. 2022
- High death anxiety and ambiguous loss: Lessons learned from teaching through the COVID-19 pandemic.. 43:43-54. 2021
- Interprofessional student-led outreach to high-risk older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.. 43:34-42. 2021
- Interdisciplinary neuropalliative care: A unique and valuable clinical training experience for geropsychology trainees.. 43:1-13. 2021
- Changes in student pharmacists' confidence in attaining geriatrics competencies and attitudes toward older adults across the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum.. 42:541-550. 2020
- Dementia 360 ECHO: Using technology to facilitate diagnosis and treatment.. 43:202-208. 2020
- Experiential education through project-based learning: Sex and aging.. 42:528-540. 2019
- My life, my story: Teaching patient centered care competencies for older adults through life story work.. 43:225-238. 2019
- Palliative care for case managers: Building capacity to extend community-based palliative care to underserved older adults.. 43:1-16. 2018
- Evaluation of geriatrics education at a Chinese University: A survey of attitudes and knowledge among undergraduate medical students.. 41:242-249. 2018
- Effect of short-term research training programs on medical students' attitudes toward aging.. 39:214-222. 2017
- Moving the needle: Providing evidence based care to older adults with behavioral issues through knowledge translation.. 38:355-358. 2017
- Using art in an intergenerational program to improve students' attitudes toward people with dementia.. 38:407-424. 2017
- Geriatrics fellowship training and the role of geriatricians in older adult cancer care: A survey of geriatrics fellowship directors.. 39:170-182. 2016
- Falls prevention education: Interprofessional training to enhance collaborative practice.. 38:232-243. 2016
- Prognosis communication with older patients with multimorbidity: Assessment after an educational intervention.. 38:471-481. 2016
- Development and preliminary evaluation of the resident coordinated-transitional care (RC-TraC) program: A sustainable option for transitional care education.. 39:160-169. 2016
- Group-based differences in anti-aging bias among medical students.. 36:58-78. 2014
- Professional development and exposure to geriatrics: medical student perspectives from narrative journals.. 36:144-60. 2014
- Utilizing a Meals on Wheels program to teach falls risk assessment to medical students.. 35:409-20. 2014
- A multisite geriatric education program for rural providers in the Veteran Health Care System (GRECC-Connect).. 35:23-40. 2014
- A longitudinal, experiential quality improvement curriculum meeting ACGME competencies for geriatrics fellows: lessons learned.. 34:372-92. 2013
- A review of interprofessional dissemination and education interventions for recognizing and managing dementia.. 34:225-56. 2013
- Preparing to care for an aging population: medical student reflections on their clinical mentors within a new geriatrics curriculum.. 34:393-408. 2013
- Simulating geriatric home safety assessments in a three-dimensional virtual world.. 33:233-52. 2012
- Virtual patients in geriatric education.. 31:163-73. 2010
- A competency-based medical student curriculum targeting key geriatric syndromes.. 28:29-45. 2008
- An interactive e-learning tutorial for medical students on how to conduct the performance-oriented mobility assessment.. 28:51-60. 2007
- The use of the internet in geriatrics education: results of a national survey of medical geriatrics academic programs.. 27:85-95. 2007
- The educational impact of a computer-based training tutorial on dementia in long term care for licensed practice nursing students.. 26:67-79. 2006
- Perceptions and knowledge of older adults: an analysis of interprofessional education and medically underserved populations 2022
- Changes in student pharmacists’ confidence in attaining geriatrics competencies and attitudes toward older adults across the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum 2021