publication venue for
- Caregiver restrictions on child access to tobacco in the home and home Smoking/Vaping bans among Black/African American women caregivers who smoke and live in Resource-limited, rural areas.. -. 2024
- Implementation of Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Colorado from 2020 to 2022: Firearm relinquishment and return and petitioner characteristics.. -. 2024
- Limited English proficiency and reported receipt of colorectal cancer screening among adults 45-75 in 2019 and 2021.. -. 2024
- Trends in co-prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines, non-prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines, and schedule-I drugs in the United States, 2013 to 2019.. -. 2023
- A qualitative study of primary care clinician's approach to ending cervical cancer screening in older women in the United States.. -. 2023
- The co-occurrence of adverse childhood experiences and mental health among Latina/o adults: A latent class analysis approach.. -. 2023
- Creation of online maps for voluntary out-of-home firearm storage: Experiences and opportunities.. -. 2023
- The association of health behaviors prior to cancer diagnosis and functional aging trajectories after diagnosis: Longitudinal cohort study of middle-aged and older US cancer survivors.. -. 2022
- From childhood obesity risk to healthy growth in the U.S.: A 10-year social work research & policy update.. -. 2022
- The role of lung cancer risk and comorbidity in lung cancer screening use.. -. 2022
- Lost to follow up?: A qualitative study of why some patients do not pursue lung cancer screening.. -. 2022
- Food insecurity, food environments, and disparities in diet quality and obesity in a nationally representative sample of community-dwelling older Americans.. -. 2022
- Perspectives of primary care clinicians in Massachusetts on use of telemedicine with adults aged 65 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic.. -. 2022
- Primary care clinicians' perceptions of colorectal cancer screening tests for older adults.. -. 2021
- Provider-perceived barriers to patient adherence to colorectal cancer screening.. -. 2021
- Beliefs about benefits and harms of medications and supplements for brain health.. -. 2020
- An index of geospatial disadvantage predicts both obesity and unmeasured body weight.. -. 2020
- Demographic, health, and attitudinal factors predictive of cancer screening decisions in older adults.. 244-248. 2019
- Medical multimorbidity and drug use among adults in the United States.. 214-219. 2018
- High rates of cancer screening among dialysis patients seen in primary care a cohort study.. 176-183. 2018
- Race and place differences in patients hospitalized with an acute coronary syndrome: Is there double jeopardy? Findings from TRACE-CORE.. 1-8. 2017
- Primary care-public health linkages: Older primary care patients with prediabetes & type 2 diabetes encouraged to attend community-based senior centers.. 283-8. 2016
- Associations between social isolation and diet quality among US adults with disability participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013-2018.. -.