publication venue for
- Early blood product and crystalloid volume resuscitation: risk association with multiple organ dysfunction after severe blunt traumatic injury.. 71:299-305. 2011
- Withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy in injured patients: variations between trauma centers and nontrauma centers.. 66:1327-35. 2009
- Early prediction of massive transfusion in trauma: simple as ABC (assessment of blood consumption)?. 66:346-52. 2009
- Retroperitoneal gunshot wound hernia: an unusual cause of early postoperative small bowel obstruction after laparotomy for trauma.. 64:213-4. 2008
- Patterns and outcomes among penetrating trauma recidivists: it only gets worse.. 61:16-9; discussion 20. 2006
- Detection of intra-abdominal injury using diagnostic peritoneal lavage after shotgun wound to the abdomen.. 54:329-31. 2003
- Prospective evaluation of the sensitivity of physical examination in chest trauma.. 53:1135-8. 2002