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Melissa (Kah Poh) Loh, MBBCh BAO




  • Rochester, NY

I am a geriatric hematologist with board certification in internal medicine, hematology, oncology, and geriatrics. Clinically, I specialize in caring for older adults with hematologic malignancies. My research focuses on developing and implementating behavioral and supportive care interventions, utilizing digital health technologies, to improve outcomes for older adults with hematologic malignancies. I am also interested to elucidate the mechanisms by which behavioral and supportive cater interventions improve outcomes. I am supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) K99/R00 and the Wilmot Cancer Institute (WCI) Research Fellowship Award. I have also received several pilot grants. My other research interests include: 1) Treatment decision-making in acute myeloid leukemia, 2) End of life care in patients with hematologic malignancies, and 3) Prognostic understanding of older patients and their caregivers.

Locally at the Wilmot Cancer Institute, I lead all geriatric hematology clinical and research efforts including building a de novo geriatric hematology consultative clinic, inspiring and helping to organize geriatric hematology clinical trials, and training local and international mentees. Nationally in the US, I am a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting Education Committee for Geriatric Oncology, Chair of the American Geriatrics Society Cancer and Aging Special Interest Group, member of the Junior Investigator Board and Junior Faculty Lead in the Analytics Core for the NIA-funded Cancer and Aging Research (CARG) R21/R33 infrastructure grant (MPIs: Drs. William Dale, Arti Hurria, and Supriya Mohile), member of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Committee on Education Affairs, and Chair of the Young International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) interest group. I have published over 130 peer-reviewed articles.

Clinical Disciplines

GEMSSTAR awardee