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Lauren E. Ferrante, MD, MHS




  • New Haven, CT

Dr. Ferrante is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and Director of the Operations Core at the Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. Her research program is centered at the interface of critical care medicine and geriatrics, with the overarching goal of understanding and improving the functional outcomes of critically ill older adults. Dr. Ferrante is a strong advocate of integrating geriatrics principles into critical care medicine and increasing collaboration between the subspecialties and geriatrics. To that end, she co-founded/co-chairs the Aging in Critical Care Interest Group (formerly the Aging & Geriatrics Working Group) of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and co-chairs the Medical & Surgical Specialties Section of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS).

Clinical Disciplines

Beeson awardee GEMSSTAR awardee

Selected Publications