Selected Publications
- Examining the utility of the BAARS-IV scales as embedded symptom validity indicators for adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder evaluations.. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 1-17. 2024
- A survey of the perceptions and practices of faculty in clinical neuropsychology doctoral training programs: is heterogeneity the norm?. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 1-26. 2024
- Process scores on measures of learning and memory: issue 2.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 45:759-762. 2024
- Process scores on measures of learning and memory: Issue 1.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 45:647-651. 2024
- Value-consistent rehabilitation is associated with long-term psychological flexibility and quality of life after traumatic brain injury.. Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 34:1-19. 2023
- The structure of apathy symptoms.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 45:1-12. 2023
- Serial position effects and mild cognitive impairment: a comparison of measures and scoring approaches.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 45:1-12. 2023
- Baseline Differences in Driving Frequency as a Predictor of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Disease.. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology. 37:-. 2023
- Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Suicide Status Form-IV.. Assessment. 31:-. 2023
- Longitudinal assessment of mental health after a flood: roles of social support, hope, recovery stressors, and prior lifetime trauma.. Aging & mental health. 27:1-11. 2023
- Logical memory, visual reproduction, and verbal paired associates are effective embedded validity indicators in patients with traumatic brain injury.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 1-10. 2023
- Four year practice effects on the RBANS in a longitudinal study of older adults.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 1-7. 2023
- Failing The b Test: The influence of cutoff scores and criterion group approaches in a sample of adults referred for psychoeducational evaluation.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 44:619-626. 2023
- Religiosity and Social Support Predict Resilience in Older Adults After a Flood. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. 2023
- Settling the Score: Can CPT-3 Embedded Validity Indicators Distinguish Between Credible and Non-Credible Responders Referred for ADHD and/or SLD?. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2023
- Utility of the D-KEFS color–word interference test as an embedded validity indicator in psychoeducational evaluations.. Psychology & Neuroscience. 2023
- Settling the Score: Can CPT-3 Embedded Validity Indicators Distinguish Between Credible and Non-Credible Responders Referred for ADHD and/or SLD?. Journal of attention disorders. 27:80-88. 2022
- Examining patterns of executive functioning across dimensions of psychopathology.. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. -. 2022
- Trainee perceptions of multicultural climate and supervision in neuropsychology.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 44:386-397. 2022
- Examining heterogeneity in depression symptoms and associations with cognition and everyday function in MCI.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 44:185-194. 2022
- Examination of the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism, harm avoidance and incompleteness in college students.. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy. 2022
- Perfectionism and Suicidal Ideation.. Crisis. 44:267-275. 2022
- Psychometric properties of the interpersonal needs questionnaire (INQ-15) in Army soldiers: Implications and future directions.. Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association. 34:445-454. 2022
- Driving Performance in Older Adults: Current Measures, Findings, and Implications for Roadway Safety.. Innovation in aging. 6:-. 2022
- Beliefs, Understanding, and Barriers Related to Dementia Research Participation Among Older African Americans. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. 2022
- Beliefs, Understanding, and Barriers Related to Dementia Research Participation Among Older African Americans.. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. 36:52-57. 2022
- Driving Performance in Older Adults: Current Measures, Findings, and Implications for Roadway Safety. Innovation in Aging. 2022
- Examination of the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism, harm avoidance and incompleteness in college students. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2022
- Examining patterns of executive functioning across dimensions of psychopathology. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2022
- Factor structure of the anxiety sensitivity index-3 in a sample of older adults. European Journal of Ageing. 2022
- Factor structure of the anxiety sensitivity index-3 in a sample of older adults.. European journal of ageing. 19:1543-1548. 2022
- Investigating associations of internalizing, externalizing, and ADHD symptoms with dimensions of self-reported driving. Journal of Transport & Health. 2022
- Mentorship in clinical neuropsychology: Survey of current practices, cultural responsiveness, and untapped potential.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 44:366-385. 2022
- Multimethod assessment of driving in older adults using a novel driving simulator. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2022
- Perfectionism and suicidal ideation: An examination of premotivational factors within the integrated motivational--volitional model of suicide.. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 2022
- Perfectionistic self-presentation, socially prescribed perfectionism, self-oriented perfectionism, interpersonal hopelessness, and suicidal ideation in US adults: Reexamining the social disconnection model. Archives of Suicide Research. 2022
- Resilience as a moderator of depression and anxiety: a bidimensional approach to predictors of subjective cognition in older adults.. Aging & mental health. 27:29-34. 2021
- The incremental validity of primacy as a predictor of everyday functioning.. Neuropsychology. 36:23-34. 2021
- Beyond depression: examining the role of anxiety and anxiety sensitivity on subjective cognition and functioning in older adults.. Aging & mental health. 26:2300-2306. 2021
- Test-retest reliability and practice effects of the virtual environment grocery store (VEGS).. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 43:547-557. 2021
- Representation of U.S. Black Americans in neuropsychology research: How well do our reporting practices show that Black lives matter?. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 36:214-226. 2021
- Examining an Alternative Scoring Procedure for a Clinical Working Memory Measure.. Assessment. 29:1756-1764. 2021
- Disaster stressors and psychological well-being in older adults after a flood.. Psychology and aging. 36:660-666. 2021
- The Effects of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) Performance in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults.. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 36:165-176. 2021
- Feasibility and validation of a web-based platform for the self-administered patient collection of demographics, health status, anxiety, depression, and cognition in community dwelling elderly.. PloS one. 16:-. 2021
- Can worry and physiological anxiety uniquely predict children and adolescents’ academic achievement and intelligence?. Applied Neuropsychology: Child. 2021
- Evaluating the construct validity of the King--Devick test in a psychological outpatient clinical sample. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2021
- Feasibility and validation of a web-based platform for the self-administered patient collection of demographics, health status, anxiety, depression, and cognition in community dwelling elderly. PloS one. 2021
- Perfectionism, conscientiousness, and neuroticism: Does age matter?. Personality and Individual Differences. 2021
- The discrepancy between mother and youth reported internalizing symptoms predicts youth’s negative self-esteem. Current Psychology. 2021
- The effects of cardiovascular risk factors on repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status (RBANS) performance in cognitively healthy older adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2021
- Normative and Maladaptive Personality Traits and Self-Reported Executive Functioning.. Assessment. 29:499-507. 2020
- Toward a More Perfect Conceptualization of Perfectionism: An Exploratory Factor Analysis in Undergraduate College Students.. Assessment. 29:385-396. 2020
- Social factors that predict cognitive decline in older African American adults.. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 36:403-410. 2020
- Predictors of Heterogeneity in Cognitive Function: APOE-e4, Sex, Education, Depression, and Vascular Risk.. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 35:660-670. 2020
- Multimethod assessment of driving in older adults using a novel driving simulator.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 29:452-461. 2020
- Examining the factor structure of the Rey auditory verbal learning test in individuals across the life span.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 42:406-414. 2020
- Relationships between multiple dimensions of executive functioning and resting-state networks in adults.. Neuropsychologia. -. 2020
- A basis for comparison: The congruence of mother-teacher ratings of externalizing behavior as a function of family size. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2020
- Assessment of anxiety in older adults: psychometric properties and relationships with self-reported functional impairment. International Psychogeriatrics. 2020
- Examining musical sophistication: A replication and theoretical commentary on the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index. Musicae Scientiae. 2020
- Examining relationships between multiple self-reported sleep measures and gait domains in cognitively healthy older adults. Gerontology. 2020
- Examining the factor structure of the Rey auditory verbal learning test in individuals across the life span. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2020
- Predictors of Heterogeneity in Cognitive Function: APOE-e4, Sex, Education, Depression, and Vascular Risk. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2020
- Psychometric properties of the expanded version of the inventory of depression and anxiety symptoms (IDAS-II) in a sample of older adults. Aging & mental health. 2020
- Relationships between multiple dimensions of executive functioning and resting-state networks in adults. Neuropsychologia. 2020
- Social Factors that Predict Cognitive Decline in Older African American Adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2020
- Subjectively and Objectively Measured Sleep Predict Differing Aspects of Cognitive Functioning in Adults.. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 34:1127-1137. 2019
- Evaluating the construct validity of the King-Devick test in a psychological outpatient clinical sample.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 28:627-632. 2019
- Assessment of anxiety in older adults: psychometric properties and relationships with self-reported functional impairment.. International psychogeriatrics. 32:505-513. 2019
- Predictors of Collegiate Student-Athletes' Concussion-Related Knowledge and Behaviors.. The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques. 46:575-584. 2019
- Psychometric properties of the expanded version of the inventory of depression and anxiety symptoms (IDAS-II) in a sample of older adults.. Aging & mental health. 24:1847-1853. 2019
- The effects of childhood inattention and anxiety on executive functioning: inhibition, updating, and shifting.. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. 11:423-432. 2019
- Examining Relationships between Multiple Self-Reported Sleep Measures and Gait Domains in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults.. Gerontology. 66:47-54. 2019
- Is Episodic Future Thinking Important for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living? A Study in Neurological Patients and Healthy Older Adults.. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 34:403-417. 2019
- Can worry and physiological anxiety uniquely predict children and adolescents' academic achievement and intelligence?. Applied neuropsychology. Child. 10:53-64. 2019
- Utility of a novel simulator paradigm in the assessment of driving ability in individuals with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. 11:403-411. 2019
- Associations between emotional symptoms and self-reported aberrant driving behaviors in older adults.. Accident; analysis and prevention. 28-34. 2019
- Practical considerations for evaluating reliability in ambulatory assessment studies.. Psychological assessment. 31:285-291. 2019
- A multi-study examination of performance validity in undergraduate research participants.. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 33:1138-1155. 2019
- Dimensions of driving-related emotions and behaviors: An exploratory factor analysis of common self-report measures.. Accident; analysis and prevention. 85-91. 2019
- Assessing the effects of concussion using the C3Logix Test Battery: An exploratory study. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2019
- Associations between emotional symptoms and self-reported aberrant driving behaviors in older adults. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2019
- Factor structure of the attentional control scale in younger and older adults: Relationships with anxiety and depression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2019
- Is episodic future thinking important for instrumental activities of daily living? A study in neurological patients and healthy older adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2019
- Negative self-statements mediate social anxiety and depressive symptomatology in youth: the role of working memory. Journal of child and family studies. 2019
- Practical considerations for evaluating reliability in ambulatory assessment studies.. Psychological assessment. 2019
- Predictors of Collegiate Student-Athletes’ Concussion-Related Knowledge and Behaviors. Canadian journal of neurological sciences. 2019
- Recommendations for driving after neuropsychological assessment: a survey of neuropsychologists. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2019
- Subjectively and Objectively Measured Sleep Predict Differing Aspects of Cognitive Functioning in Adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2019
- The Compensatory ADHD Behaviors Scale (CABS): Development and Initial Validation. Assessment. 2019
- The association of anxiety, depression, and worry symptoms on cognitive performance in older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 2019
- The effects of childhood inattention and anxiety on executive functioning: Inhibition, updating, and shifting. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 2019
- Utility of a novel simulator paradigm in the assessment of driving ability in individuals with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 2019
- What types of recommendations are we giving patients? A survey of clinical neuropsychologists. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2019
- Examining differences in neuropsychiatric symptom factor trajectories in empirically derived mild cognitive impairment subtypes.. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 33:1627-1634. 2018
- Recommendations for Driving After Neuropsychological Assessment: A Survey of Neuropsychologists.. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 33:971-987. 2018
- Parsing the neural correlates of anxious apprehension and anxious arousal in the grey-matter of healthy youth.. Brain imaging and behavior. 12:1084-1098. 2018
- Examining neural correlates of psychopathology using a lesion-based approach.. Neuropsychologia. 408-417. 2018
- Assessing the Longer-Term Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Self-Reported Driving Ability.. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 10:1153-1163. 2018
- The Compensatory ADHD Behaviors Scale (CABS): Development and Initial Validation.. Assessment. 26:783-798. 2018
- What types of recommendations are we giving patients? A survey of clinical neuropsychologists.. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 33:57-74. 2018
- Factor structure and clinical correlates of the 61-item Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS).. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. 10:177-188. 2018
- Reply.. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 10:231-232. 2018
- Assessing the effects of concussion using the C3Logix Test Battery: An exploratory study.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 26:275-282. 2018
- Classification accuracy of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)-Restructured form validity scales in detecting malingered pain-related disability.. Psychological assessment. 2018
- Clusters of financially incentivized chronic pain patients using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF).. Psychological assessment. 2018
- Does prior administration of the RBANS influence performance on subsequent neuropsychological testing?. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2018
- Examining neural correlates of psychopathology using a lesion-based approach. Neuropsychologia. 2018
- Further validation of booklet category test subscales for learning, set loss, and memory in a mixed clinical sample. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 2018
- Multiple self-reported sleep measures are differentially associated with cognitive performance in community-dwelling nondemented elderly.. Neuropsychology. 2018
- Parsing the neural correlates of anxious apprehension and anxious arousal in the grey-matter of healthy youth. Brain imaging and behavior. 2018
- Response to Shapiro and Chandler Letter to the Editor.. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2018
- Understanding heterogeneity in older adults: Latent growth curve modeling of cognitive functioning. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 2018
- The association of anxiety, depression, and worry symptoms on cognitive performance in older adults.. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition. 26:161-173. 2017
- Classification accuracy of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)-Restructured form validity scales in detecting malingered pain-related disability.. Psychological assessment. 30:857-869. 2017
- Multiple self-reported sleep measures are differentially associated with cognitive performance in community-dwelling nondemented elderly.. Neuropsychology. 32:220-229. 2017
- Understanding heterogeneity in older adults: Latent growth curve modeling of cognitive functioning.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 40:292-302. 2017
- Characteristics of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Sample Recruited Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 10:45-55. 2017
- Clusters of financially incentivized chronic pain patients using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF).. Psychological assessment. 30:634-644. 2017
- Childhood ADHD and Negative Self-Statements: Important Differences Associated With Subtype and Anxiety Symptoms.. Behavior therapy. 48:793-807. 2017
- Does prior administration of the RBANS influence performance on subsequent neuropsychological testing?. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 25:340-343. 2017
- Association between olfaction and higher cortical functions in Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy older adults. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 2017
- Comparison of self-reported and informant-reported depressive symptoms in an outpatient neuropsychology clinic sample. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 2017
- Association between olfaction and higher cortical functions in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy older adults.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 39:646-658. 2016
- Comparison of self-reported and informant-reported depressive symptoms in an outpatient neuropsychology clinic sample.. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 39:525-533. 2016
- Further validation of booklet category test subscales for learning, set loss, and memory in a mixed clinical sample.. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 25:11-18. 2016
- I'd Do Anything for Research, But I Won't Do That: Interest in Pharmacological Interventions in Older Adults Enrolled in a Longitudinal Aging Study.. PloS one. 11:-. 2016
- The Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire: Factor Structure and Correlates in a Lifespan Sample.. The Yale journal of biology and medicine. 89:91-6. 2016
- Independent and interactive impacts of hypertension and diabetes mellitus on verbal memory: A coordinated analysis of longitudinal data from England, Sweden, and the United States.. Psychology and aging. 31:262-73. 2016
- Amygdala and dorsomedial hyperactivity to emotional faces in youth with remitted Major Depression. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 2016
- Focus: The Aging Brain: The Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire: Factor Structure and Correlates in a Lifespan Sample. The Yale journal of biology and medicine. 2016
- The Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire: Factor structure and correlates in a lifespan sample. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2016
- Does a Simple Intervention Enhance Memory and Adherence for Neuropsychological Recommendations?. Applied neuropsychology. Adult. 23:21-8. 2015
- Neuroanatomical correlates of executive functions: A neuropsychological approach using the EXAMINER battery. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2014
- The Robust Reliability of Neuropsychological Measures: Meta-Analyses of Test--Retest Correlations. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 2013
- Lesion mapping of cognitive control and value-based decision making in the prefrontal cortex.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012
- A Comparison of Laboratory and Clinical Working Memory Tests and Their Prediction of Fluid Intelligence.. Intelligence. 37:-. 2009
- Aging as an element of diversity: Best practices for challenging classroom conversations and avoiding ageism. 2021
- Assessing Mental Health After a Disaster: Flood Exposure, Recovery Stressors, and Prior Flood Experience. The Intersection of Trauma and Disaster Behavioral Health. 2021
- When disasters strike: Navigating the challenges of “sudden science”. The Intersection of Trauma and Disaster Behavioral Health. 2021
- Neuropsychological Testing. Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Assessment. 2018
- A Global Perspective on Neuropsychological Assessment. Clinical Psychology: A Global Perspective. 2017
- Neuropsychology. Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2016