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Saranya P. Wyles, MD, PhD




  • Rochester, MN

As an early-stage investigator with a dedicated practice in geriatric dermatology, I have a long-term interest in translational geroscience. Diabetes and obesity are associated with accumulation of senescent cells in fat and other tissues including skin. My research group is working on ways to alleviate the complications of diabetes by clearing senescent cells or blocking them from producing factors that cause or exacerbate skin dysfunction. My team has developed a chronic wound-healing model in genetically engineered mice with mutations that increase life span and lower senescent cell burden compared with that of nonengineered mice and mice with a diabetes-like phenotype. We devised a novel strategy to use the first clinical-grade topical senolytic drugs — agents that selectively eliminate senescent cells — in chronic wounds. Our team also works on tissue engineering strategies to develop new models of human skin aging, such as 3D bioprinted skin, as a drug testing platform for pro-longevity therapeutics.

In alignment with the goals of the National Institute on Aging and Clin-STAR, I am committed to our understanding of basic aging processes towards the discovery and validation of intervention strategies that promote health, function, and independence in late life. 

Clinical Disciplines

GEMSSTAR awardee

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