The Framingham Heart Study 100K SNP genome-wide association study resource: overview of 17 phenotype working group reports. uri icon


  • Cupples, L Adrienne
  • Gottlieb, Daniel J
  • Govindaraju, Diddahally R
  • Guo, Chao-Yu
  • Heard-Costa, Nancy L
  • Hwang, Shih-Jen
  • Kathiresan, Sekar
  • Douglas P. Kiel, MD, MPH
  • Laramie, Jason M
  • Larson, Martin G
  • Levy, Daniel
  • Arruda, Heather T
  • Liu, Chun-Yu
  • Lunetta, Kathryn L
  • Mailman, Matthew D
  • Manning, Alisa K
  • Meigs, James B
  • Murabito, Joanne M
  • Newton-Cheh, Christopher
  • O'Connor, George T
  • O'Donnell, Christopher J
  • Pandey, Mona
  • Benjamin, Emelia J
  • Seshadri, Sudha
  • Vasan, Ramachandran S
  • Wang, Zhen Y
  • Wilk, Jemma B
  • Wolf, Philip A
  • Yang, Qiong
  • Atwood, Larry D
  • D'Agostino, Ralph B
  • Demissie, Serkalem
  • DeStefano, Anita L
  • Dupuis, Josée
  • Falls, Kathleen M
  • Fox, Caroline S

publication date

  • 2007